“We don’t say we need to start organizing because so many of us are already getting organized. This is a call, though, to do so intelligently, deliberately, and devastatingly. We’re going to have to build the house we’re going to live in, the abode for the coming to presence of being as one of our forefathers said. Or to put it another way, if what we’re fighting is a world, we have to bring together everything necessary to create other worlds. This is a call to friends we know and friends we have yet to meet. To the freaks and rank and filers, the hackers and green thumbs, the rednecks and thugs. Let’s build the only force adequate to the task at hand —the bringing down of an entire order. Let’s do it with a patience and intensity stronger than any army.”


 Occupy Oakland is Dead. Long live the Oakland Commune!


The task ahead of us in Oakland and beyond is to search out and nurture new means of finding each other. We are quickly reaching the point where the dead weight of Occupy threatens to drag down the Commune into the dust bin of history……We need new ways to reclaim space and regularize a contagious rebel spirit rooted in our specific urban contexts while breaking a losing cycle of attempted occupations followed by state repression that the movement has now fallen into. Most of all, we need desperately to stay connected with comrades old and new and not let these relationships completely decompose. This will determine the health of the Commune and ultimately its ability to effectively wage war on our enemies in the struggles to come.”

“THE LEFT? NO THANKS!” By John Zerzan

“It isn’t that there’s no energy afoot in the world. On any given day on any continent, one can see anti-government riots; direct actions in support of animal liberation or to protect the earth; concerted efforts to resist the building of dams, superhighways, industrial installations; prison uprisings; spontaneous outbreaks of targeted vandalism by the fed-up and pissed-off; wildcat strikes; and the energy of countless infoshops, zines, primitive skills camps, schools, and gatherings; radical reading groups, Food Not Bombs, etc. The list of oppositional acts and alternative projects is very considerable.

What isn’t happening is the Left. Historically, it has failed monumentally. What war, depression or ecocide did it ever prevent? The Left now exists mainly as a fading vehicle of protest in, say, the electoral circuses that fewer and fewer believe in anyway. It hasn’t been a source of inspiration in many decades. It is dying out.

The Left is in our way and needs to go.